University of Illinois System

Templates for Submission of Application

A Request for Approval requires a description of program or unit objectives and, in the case of instruction, student learning objectives and program assessment plans. For each objective, the request must also include corresponding outcome measures--that is, one or more measures the university will use to show that the program or unit achieved its objective(s) and, for instruction, that students, indeed, attained the knowledge, skills, behaviors, and/or attitudes (i.e. the learning objectives) proposed. In addition, each request needs to show how the program or unit will build upon the university's strengths and focus its mission, how the program or unit will be financially supported, and how the program or unit contributes to achieving statewide goals. New doctoral program applications typically are reviewed by two outside consultants named by the IBHE.

The files and links below refer to the process of program approval passed by the IBHE, effective April 2012. The templates are adapted for University use from forms that are submitted to IBHE via an electronic process. The approval process uses three separate types of documents: one for approval of a new unit of instruction that will be offered in region or online; one requesting approval for out of region delivery of an already approved program; and the other requesting approval of a new unit of administration, research, and/or public service. The regions are shown on the map below.

Map of Higher Education Regions

New Degrees, On Ground or Online

New Units of Research of Public Service (Includes Centers)

Reasonable and Moderate Extension (RME)

Submitted Through Provost's Office to VPAA for IBHE Approval