University of Illinois System
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Petition for Determination of Residency Status

To submit a petition you must be an admitted student.

The petition must be completed in full and received and date stamped at the appropriate office by:

  • September 1 for the fall term
  • February 1 for the spring term
  • June 1 for the summer term

Late petitions will not be reviewed.

Please attach digital or digitized copies (not originals) of any supporting documents you believe provide proof of establishment of bona fide residence.

The completed electronic petition should be sent to the appropriate office, as named on page three of the petition.

Accessing the Petition

The petition is available for download in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). 

Download the Petition for Determination of Residency Status

Remember to attach copies (not originals) of any supporting documents you believe provide proof of establishment of bona fide residence. Information on helpful documents can be accessed here:

Redact any social security numbers that may appear in your documents.